This website aims to help 2 million Hindus comprehend the significance of the Gita University Project and garner their support for its mission.

It was Dharma everywhere: 5000 years ago, ancient civilizations across the globe adhered to the concepts of “Karma and Dharma”. They deeply understood that God transcends mere names and forms, representing the ultimate supreme energy that encompasses all beings and orchestrates our experiences through its Supreme MAYA. Recognizing themselves as a fragment of the boundless energy, they viewed the world as an illusion created by the allure of sensory objects. Through the understanding of the “journey of souls”, they acknowledged that our destiny is shaped solely by our actions and duties rather than being subject to personal whims or divine favour.

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Things deteriorated in 3500 years: Since the advent of Kaliyuga, the concept of “The theory of God” has taken a negative turn. Instead of helping us comprehend our origins, the reason for our existence, and the essential life elements of karma and dharma, it is now being twisted to hinder human progress. Some insist on believing or facing dire consequences, while others promise healing from all inevitable life’s ailments and challenges. There are even claims of greater enjoyment in heaven compared to earthly pleasures. They assert that God’s judgment is not based on actions but on the specific name of God one believes in. These individuals become fanatical about the name of God, resorting to violence against those who do not share their beliefs. This is a clear indication that society needs a complete overhaul and correction. We strongly believe that every individual is undergoing their karma and embarking on a spiritual journey. They must grasp the fundamental principles of Karma and Dharma.

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If unaddressed, the human race will get extinct: Religious scrupulosity is on the rise within certain groups of individuals, presenting a significant threat to the peace and harmony of society. If this issue is not urgently addressed, the situation will spiral out of control, potentially leading to the extinction of humanity. While we tirelessly work around the clock to accumulate wealth and provide for our families and children, we often overlook the importance of creating a tranquil society for them. We have undertaken a monumental endeavour in response to the silent pleas of virtuous individuals worldwide. Our Mega Project aims to encourage over 50% of the global population to embrace the fundamental principles of Hinduism by the year 2050. Through this initiative, we aim to eliminate the toxic divisions fueled by extreme religious, ethnic, national, linguistic, and gender-based ideologies. If you want to learn more about our Mission, kindly register your name on our teaser website. We will promptly provide you with comprehensive details regarding the Project for your consideration.

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Let us fix the problem: In this modern era of critical thinking, dismissing the irrational notion that our fortunes depend solely on our faith in a specific name or form of God rather than our deeds is imperative. If we do not address this disturbing ideology, the fate of humanity will remain uncertain. It is disheartening to label our world as advanced and civilized while a significant portion of the population upholds such irrational beliefs. Therefore, the 1 billion Hindus, 2 billion Atheists, and roughly 1 billion Rationalists globally must unite to challenge the divisive and irrational doctrines surrounding God. We aim to propagate the core principles of “Karma and Dharma” to at least 500 million individuals outside of India by the year 2050. This ambitious objective can only be achieved with the assistance of a minimum of one million individuals, and we sincerely hope that you will join us in this noble cause.

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How can Bhagavad Gita’s wisdom bring global peace!:

Bhagavad Gita makes people understand their real selves and the purpose for coming to earth. They will have purity in thoughts, words, and actions and will only do Dharmic deeds. They thoroughly understand the principles of Karma and Dharma, which become a base for the kind of body the soul gets into. Any person who knows the consequences of committing the minutest magnitude of bad Karma will never dare to harm himself, and a person who knows the exponential benefit of doing minuscule good Karma will never refrain from doing it. They understand that God is not a name or form to argue about but an ultimate supreme energy that embeds all of us within it and makes us experience whatever we wish and whatever we deserve with its Supreme MAYA.

Bhagavad Gita teaches life skills that help one keep aside one’s weaknesses and move forward with a focus only on one’s strengths. It will make people stick to dharma, stand by it, and fight for it. Like Lord Rama, they will befriend only good people even if they are found to be less powerful and will avoid bad friends even if they are more powerful. Slowly, with the help of all good people, firmly stuck to dharma, having faith in themselves and in the highest cosmic power, they will march towards success. They can even attain liberation if they do not have any accrued karmic debt to experience.

With Gita’s wisdom, they see every living being within themselves and themselves within every living being. So they can easily overcome sectarian toxicity and live a life full of compassion for all living beings. They become aware that they are a spec of ONE limitless energy, and this world is an illusion based on the attraction of the sense objects to the objects of perception. After understanding the journey of souls and one’s true self, they realize that only their karma and dharma decide their fate, and it’s never a personal discretion or favour of God. Even people of other faiths, upon listening to the Bhagavad Gita once, feel like listening to it repeatedly. So, we firmly believe that sustainable peace and harmony between people of various races, nationalities, languages, religions, and traditions are possible only through Gita Wisdom.

Therefore, our unwavering commitment is to disseminate the profound knowledge of science to a minimum of 5 billion individuals residing outside of India by the year 2050. As an interim milestone, we aimed to impart the wisdom of the Gita to more than 50% of the American population within a decade of commissioning Gita University. Our vision encompasses the creation of a truly civilized society where individuals ardently advocate for their fundamental rights, Good governance, health and medical infrastructure, civil infrastructure, food production, employment opportunities, law and order, speedy justice, inflation, etc., rather than engaging in trivial disputes based on religion, race, nationality, and the like. Despite encountering scepticism from others, our determination remains unshaken, thanks to the unwavering support of Lord Krishna. We aspire to accomplish our objective by collaborating with intellectuals who share our vision and align with our strategic approach.

Gita and Global Peace! - Read it for me.

Project Funding and Donor Requirements: The projected expenditure for the construction of the university is estimated at 2000 crores. It is quite ironic to contemplate the dissemination of Gita wisdom to over 50% of people living outside India, especially considering the passive stance of Hindu communities over the past 1600 years. Nevertheless, this vision can be realized if 20 lakh dharmic Hindus participate in this initiative by contributing Rs.500 monthly for 20 months, or if 250 of the wealthiest dharmic individuals step forward to donate eight crores each. It is vital to express your interest using the form below without delay rather than assuming that others will contribute, as this could lead to a lack of donations.

Please enroll your name in the below section under the heading – I Support Gita University. Please enter your name, 10-digit mobile number and the possible monthly contribution amount. Our Geeta volunteers will call you within two days and let you know the various ways to transfer the amount. Please remember. You may donate any amount right from one hundred rupees to anything bigger, based on your possibility and willingness. May God bless you, and may God bless the world with Gita’s wisdom.

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Jai Shri Krishna. Jai Shri Ram. Om Namah Shivaya.

Bhagawat Gita Foundation for Vedic Studies
(a Section-8 Non-Profit Company Registered with MCA, Govt of India)
12A Certification No : AAJCB4366NE20215
80G Certification No: AAJCB4366NF20213
Ph: 89779-31068, 8520-933-933 

virat hindu parishad


Please enter your name, 10-digit mobile number and the possible monthly contribution amount right from Rs.100/- to anything bigger. Our Geeta volunteers will call you within two days and let you know the various ways to transfer the amount.

Pl.Note: Your data will be kept absolutely confidential and will never be leaked or disclosed to others.

Ping us on WhatsApp and we shall send you the project PDF file for your kind perusal.

For any queries of monthly donation or the Mission 5 Billion project

Please call us for any queries.

Bhagavad Gita on Western Music

  • Arjuna Vishada Yoga
  • Sankhya Yoga
  • Karma Yoga
  • Gyana-Karma-Sanyasa Yoga
  • Karma-Sanyasa Yoga
  • Dhyana Yoga
  • Gyana-Vigyana Yoga
  • Akshara Brahma Yoga
  • Raja-Vidya-Raja-Guhya Yoga
  • Vibhuti Yoga
  • Vishwarupa-Darsana Yoga
  • Bhakti Yoga
  • Ksetra-Ksetrajna-Vibhaga Yoga
  • Gunatraya-Vibhaga Yoga
  • Purushottama Yoga
  • Daivasura-Sampad-Vibhaga Yoga
  • Shraddha-Traya-Vibhaga Yoga
  • Moksha-Sanyasa Yoga

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Thank you. You are an incredible human.

Everything would be better if more people were like you.

When the whole world is passive, without knowing the consequences of the death of Dharma in this world, you have given some time to read the Virat Hindu Parishad teaser webpage and took the first step of enrolling in the Koti Jana Sangh. May God bless you and your family for your SathKarma done for Loka Hitardha. We shall send you the project details on your mobile and also on your email.